domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

"The tale of Genji"

"The Tale of Genji" tells the story of the Shining Genji, a beautiful son of Emperor but without category prince, from his birth to his death. The little son of Genji's favorite concubine of the emperor, so he lives in the palace, where he received multiple honors and developed a successful career as a courtier. Being a handsome man, the story devotes much of the narrative to tell his countless affairs, especially in the part of his youth. However, Genji is deeply in love with Fujitsubo, the concubine who has replaced his mother in the heart of the emperor, which will eventually have a child. Because of his love affairs, Genji will be condemned to exile, with return to resume his brilliant life at court. Special mention Lady Murasaki, his beloved niece of Fujitsubo, which Genji takes under his wing when still a child. Pygmalion As if it were, makes her a woman who excels in all the arts that a lady had to master at the time, to recover well from the defects found in most of her lovers.
The work is a brilliant tableau of the customs of the time. Abundant in descriptions, so most faithful recreates the dress, furniture and decorations of the rooms, customs or ceremonies and traditions in a cool courtly society of his time.

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