domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

Popol Vuh!

Having read the Popol Vuh, we can say that is one of the top performances of Latin American literature, specifically of the Mayan culture, we can consider this work as a culturally significant eminence by indigenous Mayan civilizations. The historical legacy of the Popol Vuh is invaluable, because of the wide range of knowledge embodied in this work, with respect to various aspects of the Mayan world and its customs.
Summarizing the highlights that can be seen along the literary document, you can highlight issues such as imagination, creativity, linked to the religious aspect, cosmogonic theogonic, theological, mythological, political and social.
You can see that this literary work is oriented to entertain the audience, having great deeds of heroes unreal, knowing that all was fantasy. To describe customs, religious beliefs, origin of man, and origin of all things according to the culture that created it, the Maya-Quiche. On numerous occasions the man and the gods are set to the same level, interacting with each other in battles and various exploits. The gods are superior to humans, creatures created for the venerate, worship, otherwise they will be punished. During the entire work talking about a hero and an antihero, can be gods or humans, no one speaks specifically. In this literary work are very advanced concepts regarding the creation of the world and man by the gods.
At the same time we can see how these gods make mistakes and fail multiple times, that is not perfect. For example, the creation of man from clay, wood and corn finally man. It also highlights the religious and polytheism marked with their respective beliefs, rituals, worships, sacrifices, offerings and dances.

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