martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Mahabharata Storie!

         I personally like a lot this story  because it`s very interesting and reflect a very popular story that happen many years ago.. It is about a  King named Pratipa, one daywhen he was traveling at the country side he met a beautiful woman, she was collecting mny flowers from a tree besides the street, then he saw that pretty woman and inmediatly stop his carriage, get down of it and talk to her asking her who she was?, she was very surprised and replied him with a question: What do you want to know about me? -Then the King told har that she look different than other womans and very atractive he said, meanwhile she was surprised, after that he told her that he was the Knig from there, also asking her if she would want to go with him and became the Queen, -She was surprised and didn`t reply anything, then he ask -Aren`t you interested in me?, She replied -Really King? I`m Ganga, and told him that she was ready for marring him if he makes her a promice: You sould never question me about the reason of my actions! to which he replied: all right, then he take her to them Castle and married Ganga making her the new Queen, they had lots of sons but there was a problem each baby that was born she threw it into the river, The King fall in depresure by the actions of Ganga and talked to her, after that they had their number eight kid, but Ganga didn`t threw him into the River because he told Ganga to stop it! Then she got mad and explain the reason, after that she gave him the baby and leave him, by going far away. The king names his son Mahabharata. Santanu, after the disappearance of his wife, returned to his capital with a sorrowful heart. I shall now recount to thee the many virtues and the great good fortune of the illustrious king Santanu of the Bharata race. Indeed, it is this splendid history that is called the Mahabharata.

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