viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

Indian Art.


The art of India is mainly characterized as a reflection of the complex Indian society, multiethnic and multicultural. Also has a primarily religious character, serving art as a means of transmission of the various religions that have marked India: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, etc.. I personally noticed as a feature of Indian art that it drive towards integration with nature, as an adaptation to the universal order, considering that most of natural elements (mountains, rivers, trees) have for the Indians a sacred character tha same as the cow that is also sacred for them.
It is characterized by the distinctive styling of their figures.
Indian Drawing seems to be very sensual and sensitive.
Decorativism in clothes, landscapes, objects, various ornaments, etc.
colorism harmonious and pleasant which gives beauty.
The line as a key element in the compositions. The contours give it personality and style generate much visual linking the whole game.
Thematically are representations of their gods and their stories or legends.
• Animals are present in many works: Birds, elephants (as you can see on the image), fish and many others more.
Notable and erotic themes of love between the gods and their loved ones.
India has been the cradle of a great civilization that spread, thanks largely to the spread of Buddhism throughout central and southeast Asia, reaching influence even powerful cultures like China and Japan. In West was known mainly after expedition to India by Alexander the Great, when news arrived of technical advances, cultural and art developed in the Indian subcontinent.

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