viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

Aegean Art!

The first samples of art found around the Mediterranean Sea before being populated by Greeks are white stone figurines represent goddesses (famous statuette of a priestess of the snake) and some male characters, standing or seated, with limited visibility and highly stylized strokes. Small idols are probably related to cults of which we know nothing. These figurines have been found in the Cyclades, and the oldest dating back to the mid-third millennium BC It is the stage known as Middle Helladic art.

In architecture was used stone, adobe and brick, plaster-like high quality alabaster sustainable element was used as the pillar of square base and column Aegean (forerunner of the Greek Doric column), circular base and stem smooth thicker at the top than at the bottom or Knossos Palace Knossos palace Crete characteristic, so aberíntica built on terraces on top of hills, with a central courtyard 60 meters long by 29 wide, here is a sample of painting, paint a mural very naturalistic and realistic, not merely reproduce typified positions, but seeks the expression of movement as cool Bullfighting.

There are very few specimens of sculpture, but found small ceramic statues, gold or ivory, such as Goddesses or Priestesses of Serpents. v-representations is a goddess probably of fertility or of a priestess , the figures are the characteristic suit, tight bodice with short sleeves to the elbow, and low-cut that leaves the chest bare and ruffled skirt, the hit may have different forms: a turban, as
tiara, etc., and may be horned animal with a religious sense, the arms are separated from the body, in prayer, creating a good space and
making the figure lose rigidity.

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