viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

Islamic Art!

The Islamic era, Hegira, begins in 622, when Muhammad march from Mecca to Medina to escape the intransigence shown by his preaching. From that date, together with religious faith, emerged a new social and political attitudes, in less than a century, expanded from the Bay of Bengal to the Atlantic Ocean.

Islam is based on a holy book, the Qoran, which contains the word of Allah that in this case is their God revealed to Muhammad or sent his messenger. The communication of the divine message was conducted in Arabic which went on to become the official language and the vehicle unit.
Islamic art is known by the artistic style developed in the culture generated by the Islamic religion.

Islamic art has a certain stylistic unity, due to the displacement of artists, dealers, patrons and workers. The use of a common script throughout the Islamic world and the development of calligraphy reinforce this idea of ​​unity. Attached great importance to the geometry and decoration that could be of three types:

     Kufic Calligraphy: using verses from the Koran.
     Lacería: using interlaced lines or polygons forming stars.
     Ataurique: using plant designs.

In architecture, buildings created with specific functions such as mosques and madrassas, following the same basic pattern, but with different shapes. Virtually no art of sculpture but the achievements of any metal, ivory or ceramic, often reaching high technical perfection. There is also a painting and book illumination in the sacred and profane.

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