viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

The Divine Comedy!

This is a nice reading , it maiinly talks about Dante who was lost in the dark forest, a panther, a lion and a wolf will intercept the pass. Beatriz (grace or divine wisdom) sent to his aid his favorite poet, Virgil, that protects and is offered as a guide.After spending the Acheron enter hell. Walking the nine concentric circles of hell, which are narrowing as a huge funnel, where the damned suffer horrible penalties.The apex of this inverted cone coincides with the center of the earth. In the depths of hell is Lucifer amphitheater. Dante and Virgil interrogate the damned, suffering terrible pains in relation to their guilt.In this description of hell, dante looks episodes of unparalleled grandeur. It is the epitome of all that in the middle ages imagined about the tortures of the grave. We quote, for its special poignancy, the scene of Francesca of Rimini and the Count Ugolino sentenced to devour their own children.Encentra Dante in hell with historical and contemporary, with friends and enemies, on which launches relentless torment and judgment.

African/American Trickster!

Almost every oral tradition in the world has trickster figures, and African American culture is no exception. Tricksters dominate the folk tradition that peoples of African descent developed in the United States, especially those tales hat were influenced by African folk tradition, landscape, and wildlife. tricksters are animals or characters who, while ostensibly disadvantaged and weak in a contest of wills, power, and or resources, succeed in getting the best of their larger, more powerful adversaries. Tricksters achieve their objectives through indirection and mask-wearing, through playing upon the gullibility of their opponents. Though trickster tales in African American culture are frequently a source of humor, they also contain serious commentary on the inequities of existence in a country where the promises of democracy were denied to a large portion of the citizenry, a pattern that becomes even clearer in the literary adaptations of trickster figures.

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

Tao Te Ching!

Tao Te Ching
Since my point of view, this reading is complicated because it has no logical order what makes all harder to understand what it say, is written like in a poem form and it talks about different things such as verses, rhymes and text quotes in abstract form, which I mainly capture about this reading was about the truth of God, also it mentions something about our return to the absolute reign, and also mentions that we need to bring the truth to practice according to our spirit so that our speech and actions we understand and conform to God's truth, then you will be subject to divine truth and a golden thread that connects us with heaven adn by this way you will be with God.



This history is told by many griots in Africa, and their stories vary depending on what each griot considers to be the most important aspect in the story. In Niana's version, we see a great deal of Sundiata's childhood and his upbringing. We learn that Sundiata's mother, Sogolon Kedjou, whose marriage to Maghan Kon Fatta foretells the immortality of Mali through her offspring.
When Sogolon is brought to the king by two hunters, he marries her despite her ugliness. When Sogolon becomes pregnant, she is treated with a great deal of favorability because of the prophecy. Maghan's first wife, Sassouma Berete, became jealous of Sogolon's and fears that her child will displace her own eight-year-old son. Sassouma later affects Sogolon's and Sundiata's lives when, following the king's death, she maneuvers to have her son placed on the throne, forcing Sogolon and Sundiata to flee in exile.
But before this all happens, several things occur during Sundiata's childhood. After Sundiata is born, he is unable to walk for many years. Sundiata didn't walk until after his mother was admonished when she asked for some baobab leaves from Maghan, whose own son picked the leaves from the baobab tree. When Sundiata learned what had happened from his tearful mother, he strapped two iron braces to his legs, stood, then dragged a baobab tree outside Sogolon's house.
This changed Sundiata in everyone's eyes as they began to realize that the prophecy was true and Sundiata was destined to become a powerful and important man. This incident would lead to Maghan's actions, who would consult with nine witches on how to handle the situation. Another incident during Sundiata's youth was when his griot, Balla Fasseke was taken away from him. Griots are extremely important to kings for they are the public records of the noble families lineages as well the great deeds committed by members within those families. Sundiata losing his own griot was the equivalent of emasculation.  This version of the Mali epic plays heavily on themes such as the occult, prophecy, and epic adventure. It takes its time in telling Sundiata's childhood, his rise to becoming a great leader, his years in exile, and his battles with Soumaoro and other enemies who cross his path.

"The tale of Genji"

"The Tale of Genji" tells the story of the Shining Genji, a beautiful son of Emperor but without category prince, from his birth to his death. The little son of Genji's favorite concubine of the emperor, so he lives in the palace, where he received multiple honors and developed a successful career as a courtier. Being a handsome man, the story devotes much of the narrative to tell his countless affairs, especially in the part of his youth. However, Genji is deeply in love with Fujitsubo, the concubine who has replaced his mother in the heart of the emperor, which will eventually have a child. Because of his love affairs, Genji will be condemned to exile, with return to resume his brilliant life at court. Special mention Lady Murasaki, his beloved niece of Fujitsubo, which Genji takes under his wing when still a child. Pygmalion As if it were, makes her a woman who excels in all the arts that a lady had to master at the time, to recover well from the defects found in most of her lovers.
The work is a brilliant tableau of the customs of the time. Abundant in descriptions, so most faithful recreates the dress, furniture and decorations of the rooms, customs or ceremonies and traditions in a cool courtly society of his time.

Popol Vuh!

Having read the Popol Vuh, we can say that is one of the top performances of Latin American literature, specifically of the Mayan culture, we can consider this work as a culturally significant eminence by indigenous Mayan civilizations. The historical legacy of the Popol Vuh is invaluable, because of the wide range of knowledge embodied in this work, with respect to various aspects of the Mayan world and its customs.
Summarizing the highlights that can be seen along the literary document, you can highlight issues such as imagination, creativity, linked to the religious aspect, cosmogonic theogonic, theological, mythological, political and social.
You can see that this literary work is oriented to entertain the audience, having great deeds of heroes unreal, knowing that all was fantasy. To describe customs, religious beliefs, origin of man, and origin of all things according to the culture that created it, the Maya-Quiche. On numerous occasions the man and the gods are set to the same level, interacting with each other in battles and various exploits. The gods are superior to humans, creatures created for the venerate, worship, otherwise they will be punished. During the entire work talking about a hero and an antihero, can be gods or humans, no one speaks specifically. In this literary work are very advanced concepts regarding the creation of the world and man by the gods.
At the same time we can see how these gods make mistakes and fail multiple times, that is not perfect. For example, the creation of man from clay, wood and corn finally man. It also highlights the religious and polytheism marked with their respective beliefs, rituals, worships, sacrifices, offerings and dances.

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Mahabharata Storie!

         I personally like a lot this story  because it`s very interesting and reflect a very popular story that happen many years ago.. It is about a  King named Pratipa, one daywhen he was traveling at the country side he met a beautiful woman, she was collecting mny flowers from a tree besides the street, then he saw that pretty woman and inmediatly stop his carriage, get down of it and talk to her asking her who she was?, she was very surprised and replied him with a question: What do you want to know about me? -Then the King told har that she look different than other womans and very atractive he said, meanwhile she was surprised, after that he told her that he was the Knig from there, also asking her if she would want to go with him and became the Queen, -She was surprised and didn`t reply anything, then he ask -Aren`t you interested in me?, She replied -Really King? I`m Ganga, and told him that she was ready for marring him if he makes her a promice: You sould never question me about the reason of my actions! to which he replied: all right, then he take her to them Castle and married Ganga making her the new Queen, they had lots of sons but there was a problem each baby that was born she threw it into the river, The King fall in depresure by the actions of Ganga and talked to her, after that they had their number eight kid, but Ganga didn`t threw him into the River because he told Ganga to stop it! Then she got mad and explain the reason, after that she gave him the baby and leave him, by going far away. The king names his son Mahabharata. Santanu, after the disappearance of his wife, returned to his capital with a sorrowful heart. I shall now recount to thee the many virtues and the great good fortune of the illustrious king Santanu of the Bharata race. Indeed, it is this splendid history that is called the Mahabharata.