viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

The Divine Comedy!

This is a nice reading , it maiinly talks about Dante who was lost in the dark forest, a panther, a lion and a wolf will intercept the pass. Beatriz (grace or divine wisdom) sent to his aid his favorite poet, Virgil, that protects and is offered as a guide.After spending the Acheron enter hell. Walking the nine concentric circles of hell, which are narrowing as a huge funnel, where the damned suffer horrible penalties.The apex of this inverted cone coincides with the center of the earth. In the depths of hell is Lucifer amphitheater. Dante and Virgil interrogate the damned, suffering terrible pains in relation to their guilt.In this description of hell, dante looks episodes of unparalleled grandeur. It is the epitome of all that in the middle ages imagined about the tortures of the grave. We quote, for its special poignancy, the scene of Francesca of Rimini and the Count Ugolino sentenced to devour their own children.Encentra Dante in hell with historical and contemporary, with friends and enemies, on which launches relentless torment and judgment.

African/American Trickster!

Almost every oral tradition in the world has trickster figures, and African American culture is no exception. Tricksters dominate the folk tradition that peoples of African descent developed in the United States, especially those tales hat were influenced by African folk tradition, landscape, and wildlife. tricksters are animals or characters who, while ostensibly disadvantaged and weak in a contest of wills, power, and or resources, succeed in getting the best of their larger, more powerful adversaries. Tricksters achieve their objectives through indirection and mask-wearing, through playing upon the gullibility of their opponents. Though trickster tales in African American culture are frequently a source of humor, they also contain serious commentary on the inequities of existence in a country where the promises of democracy were denied to a large portion of the citizenry, a pattern that becomes even clearer in the literary adaptations of trickster figures.